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Spring 2024 Class Schedule

Course Descriptions 2023-24

Spring 2024 class Schedule

Course Title Area Col,Row Instructor Day/Time Pre-Reg
PSYCH 101-8 First-Year Writing Seminar: Mindfulness and Buddhist Psychology Grabowecky TTh 3:30-4:50pm
PSYCH 110 Introduction to Psychology Core Broaders TTh 11:00-12:20pm
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods Core Gorvine MW 11:00-12:20pm Yes
PSYCH 205 Research Methods Core Gorvine TTh 2:00-3:20pm Yes
PSYCH 205 Research Methods Core Smith MW 9:30-10:50am Yes
PSYCH 205 Research Methods Core Miller MW 3:30-4:50pm Yes
PSYCH 205 Research Methods Core Perez/Butler MW 2:00-3:20pm Yes
CogSci 211 Learning, Representation, & Reasoning B,1 Gentner TTh 12:30-1:50pm Yes
PSYCH 213 Social Psychology A,1 Bodenhausen MW 11:00-12:20pm Yes
PSYCH 215 Psychology of Personality A,1 Levy Chung
TTh 9:30-10:50am Yes
PSYCH 228 Cognitive Psychology B,1 Broaders TTh 3:30-4:50pm Yes
PSYCH 244 Developmental Psychology C,1 Broaders TTh 2:00-3:20pm Yes
PSYCH 303 Psychopathology A,1 EngeIn TTh 12:30-1:50pm Yes
PSYCH 310 Special Topics in Social/Clinical/Personality: Unpacking your cultural self
A,1 Fryberg Thur 2:00-4:50pm Yes
PSYCH 311 Psychology of Attitudes
A,1 Bodenhausen MW 2:00-3:20pm Yes
PSYCH 333 Psychology of Thinking B,1 Rips MW 2:00-3:20pm Yes
PSYCH 344 Cultural Psychology
C,1 Mesghina MW 2:00-3:20pm Yes
PSYCH 350 Special Topics in Psychology: Adult Development & Aging C,1 Mroczek TTh 5:00-6:20pm Yes
PSYCH 350 Special Topics in Psychology: Using R for Analyses  C,1 Revelle MW 3:30-5:30pm Yes
PSYCH 350 Special Topics in Psych: Cognition & Emotion in Everyday Life C,1 Mesghina TTh 11:00-12:20pm Yes
PSYCH 364 Social & Personality Development
A,2 Levy Chung
MW 9:30-10:50am Yes
PSYCH 369 Psychological Tests & Measures
A,2 EngeIn Tue 5:00-7:50pm Yes
PSYCH 374 Human Memory B,2 Paller MW 3:30-4:50pm Yes
PSYCH 378 Images of Cognition B,2 Reber TTh 11:00-12:20pm Yes
PSYCH 387 Consumer Psychology & Marketing Research C,2 Pennington MW 11:00-12:20pm Yes
PSYCH 391 Advanced Seminar in Cognition: Left Brain/Right Brain B,2 Beeman TTh 2:00-3:20pm Yes
PSYCH 398 Senior Thesis Seminar 2 Molden Yes
PSYCH 403 Clinical Proseminar Clinical Zinbarg Fri 12:00-1:00pm
PSYCH 404 Diversity Science in Psychology Rogers Mon 10:00-12:50pm
PSYCH 405 Psychometric Theory Stats Revelle MW 5:30-7:30pm
PSYCH 411-3 Clinical Psychology Practicum Clinical Zinbarg
PSYCH  412-3 Clinical Psychology Practicum Clinical Zinbarg
PSYCH  413-3 Anxiety: Assessment & Treatment  Clinical Sutton
PSYCH  414-3 Depression: Assessment &
Clinical Sutton
PSYCH  415-3 Treatment Practicum: Family & Systems Approach Clinical Lebow
PSYCH  416-3 Treatment Practicum: DBT Clinical Maslar
PSYCH  417-3 Child Intervention Clinical Rosen
PSYCH 450 Fundamentals of Statistics Stats Suzuki Thur 4:00-6:50pm
PSYCH 460 Topics in Cognition: Interaction and Dialogue
Cog Horton Wed 9:00-11:50am
PSYCH 461 Reasoning & Representation Cog Rips MW 5:00-6:20pm
PSYCH 470 Topics in BBC: Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory BBC Reber Mon 1:00-3:50pm
PSYCH 482 Research Methods in Social Psych Social Destin Tues 9:00-12:00pm
PSYCH 489 Topics in Social Psych: Motivated Thinking Social Molden Wed 2:00-4:50pm
PSYCH 497 Special Topics in Clinical Psych: Social Emotional Brain Clinical Nusslock Thur 11:00-1:50pm
PSYCH 519 Ethics: Responsible Conduct of  Research All Suzuki Fri 1:00-3:00pm


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